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Monday, February 19

Sailing with the Wind

My colleague David from our Tokyo office forwarded this quote of author Paul Graham which appears in “The Long Tail”

The Web naturally has a certain grain, and Google is aligned with it. That’s why their success seems so effortless. They’re sailing with the wind, instead of sitting becalmed praying for a business model, like the print media, or trying to tack upwind by suing their customers, like Microsoft and the record labels."

"Google doesn’t try to force things to happen their way. They try to figure out what’s going to happen, and arrange to be standing their when it does.”

What a wonderful reading of the times we live in. Indeed it appears that

1. Sailing with the wind > Rowing aggressively in a fixed direction
2. Inventing the future > Predicting the future

Google sails and therefore gets it more often...Hey, anyone has links to any interviews with the legends - Lary Page & Sergey Brin!


Reshma Bachwani said...

here you are...Sergey at Berkeley...enjoy!


Sailing with the wind > rowing aggressively in a fixed direction = true as much of life as it is of brands.

Do you see any contradiction (at least at the surface) between 'sailing with the wind' and 'inventing the future' - My food for thought for today !

Unknown said...

thanks for the link reshma...

on contradiction - not if like Google we take the people with us...

Google invented the 'search economy'(the future) and yet they re-designed the humble e-mail only with 1GB space and search capability...

i guess 'sailing with the wind' as used by Paul is to ride the trends like waves. not fight them. not worry about the occasional unsteadiness...

Not trying to capture the seas if such a thing exists...

its great toying in the mind with this apparent contradiction!