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Sunday, April 15

New Age Brands Have a Different Ning!

A little late in the day(48 hours back to be precise), I discovered the online social networking brand Ning introduced to me by my new digital partner and co-conspirator(John Lambie)!

Okay, back to Ning. After 48 hours I try to discover more about it. Google for the site but find that it's down for repairs. However, I still end up liking it. Because it's got a sense of humour and a message that's warm and human. It's also got a cute little bear trying to repair the site...

Ning like a person apologises for the technical snafu and directs me to the Ning blog and enthusiastically gives me an approx. timing when it would be up and running...

In fact this is what the message reads - At midnight tonight, we're going to take Ning offline to add a few new features. We'll be back in action by the time the bars in California close and you'll be free to resume your late night social networking.

Guys my 10 year old credit card company, 7 years old mobile service provider company, my 8 year old bank none talk to me like this - in a normal voice that's full of life, zest and quirkiness!

I like the brand feel of Ning...Here's the post in 48 hours for Ning...Never wrote one for my bank or the credit card, etc.

I guess as we step into this new age/ digital lifestyle era, brands even while they ride mass media vehicles need to have a human voice. Stuffiness of the analog, hierarchy driven marketing era won't get brands love marks from customers!!


Anonymous said...

Ning is indeed great. Apparently there are now over 50,000 different Ning networks!

Unknown said...

50,000 is a lot... we are trying to form an intra company network thru Ning!

Anonymous said...

Hi manish i have seen your show on cnbc. It will give lots of inspiration for blogger like me.
Keep doing blogging. Please visit my blog at http://jalpesh.blogspot.com and post a review for me

Unknown said...

hi jalpesh
saw ur blog... its quite nice but its a little too technical for me to understand . sorry mate.

but the basics dont change.
1. be simple in your writing.
2. write from your heart about the things you love...
3. update the blog as frequently as possible
4. make it look attractive ( in a visual way)

on all the technical stuff, i guess am the wrong person!


Vipin Kumar said...

There is no dirth of social networking sites. When you are googling for one you will recieve emails from your friends to join so alpha, beta, gamma, blah social networking site.

But the weird thing is that in the dot com industries social networking is one of the fastest and most funded sector.