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Monday, January 15

Video Police

Read in the TOI today that the Canadian police posted a nightclub surveillance video on YouTube, hoping to generate leads in the murder of a 22 year old concert-goer. 13 days and 17000 hits later, the police nabbed the suspect.

Both the Canadian and the US police have actually been using the YouTube for this purpose consistently. And in more than one case the suspects have turned in!

With upto 35mn visitors a month, the YouTube video travels far and wide. An ad on TV will have a frequency of 3-4, but on YouTube, the video stays as long as as one wants it to!!

So, while many youth brand marketers in India are still nervously waiting on the edge of new technology/ new culture, examples such as these from the other side of the planet teach us how to tap into popular youth culture to serve our needs!

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