Between Prasoon, Balki or Piyush - I have rarely heard them speak about the agencies/ creatives/ creative products of the future...In fact of the trinity, only Prasoon appears to be wired into the new world/ new media space. At least that's what I get from his heavily PRed thoughts...
However, a flat world ensures that one at least knows of the disruptive business models emerging in other parts of the globe. The Glue Society is one of the agencies/ creative fraternity that is at the fore-front of systemic changes in the way they approach the advertising business...
Came across this interview of co-founder Jonathan Kneebone at this website.
Capturing the essence of his thots peppered with a few of my own.
1. The Glue Society is a creative collective based in Sydney and New York comprising of writers, designers, art directors and film directors. Founded in Sydney in 1998 by Jonathan Kneebone and Gary Freedman.
2. "Rather than become an agency with permanent clients, we decided to work project by project. That way we would be able to ensure all the projects we worked on were those we were suited to and interested in".
I feel the planning fraternity in India could possibly adopt this project/ free-lance approach. Not all clients are worth the jet-miles:-) or the long hours...I would be happier building a domain expertise in my interest area rather than head a geographically demarcated client base.
3. "Rather than just come up with ideas then outsource them to other people to make, we decided to combine concept and execution into the same four walls".
Advertising is amongst the only industries where the central product(still the 30 cc commercial) is out-sourced to the producers...I guess its high time the concept and execution be combined together. It will be a viable, nimbler, happier model.
4. "Our catalogue of work tends to attract clients who are similarly interested in breaking down walls and being brave to new opportunities".
This piece of glue society creative is actually a sculpture(installation) at a beach. It depicts melting ice-cream!!
5. "Bad advertising agencies have a tendency to copy the latest fads or mimic other popular things. This simply won't wash anymore. Why would someone spend time with a fake piece of entertainment, when they can spend time with the original. The industry is being forced to change by the realisation that everyone is creative (something we've long believed)."
6. Advertising is like art in some respects - in that there's a hell of a lot of crap and some things that resonate. The difference for me between the two is at the conceptual level. Advertising tends to be where we solve other people's problems. Art tends to be where you get to solve your own.
I wish we had more thinkers like Jon Kneebone & Gary Freedman closer home...
I beg to differ from the statement 'Art tends to be where you get to solve your own.'
To me, Art (in true sense...of Rembrant & Bach) is an expression of something within the can be presenting a problem, but rarely an attempt to solve anything.
u are the artist...i give it to you:-)
merci, monsieur!
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